Research into Infographics

In this post, I will be looking various bits of research I did to prepare for the infographic.

Yellow Infographic



This is an infographic I made using an automatic infographic creation service. It involved taking images and graphs from a pre-made list and inserting them onto the graphic. I could change the values on the graphs, change the order of the elements and alter the titles and quotes, but that was it. I couldn’t even change the colour scheme or font. The rest of the features were hidden behind a pay wall.


Below are a few mood boards I developed to help inspire me for my design.

Mood Board

These are infographics I found while searching all over the internet; using various sites such as Reddit and Pinterest.

Mood Board 2

This mood board focuses more on the Relativity part of the brief. I knew I wanted to make it in a blackboard style, so I complied relevant images to help me come up with ideas.